The Phrase 'Systemic Racism' Is Deceptive
April 6, 2023

When someone speaks of “systemic racism”, understand that the “system” they are criticizing is a society based on the principles of individual liberty and legal equality. Using the word “racism” to describe this “system” is deceptive. “Racism” implies purposeful action based on racial prejudice. It is false to claim that our “system” of individual liberty and legal equality today is racist.

Yes, some lingering effects of past racism unfortunately still remain; but those who claim we should solve “systemic racism” are claiming that solving the lingering effects of past racism is so important we should set aside the principles of individual liberty and legal equality in order to do so. I completely disagree with this position, which I believe is both unjust and also inevitably destined for failure.

The best—and only—way to justly solve the lingering effects of past racism is the colorblind application of the principles of individual liberty and legal equality. It will not fully solve the problem today, nor tomorrow, but it is the right approach to this, and the right foundation for a free and just society.

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