Untolerated Rejection
August 1, 2016

Front Cover

It's been a while since I've published a new story. It feels good to be releasing something new once again, and I have a number of stories planned for the coming months. I've actually been working on a larger story that will be very different from what I've done in the past, but this little satire popped in my head one night and demanded to be told. I was able to finish the initial rough draft in a matter of hours, which is unusual for me. After some time to edit and revise, it's now ready to be released.

Unlike how I've done things in the past, I'm releasing this story only for the Kindle, at least for now. By doing so, Amazon gives me access to additional distribution options such as the Kindle Lending Library and Kindle Unlimited, so I'm going to try those out and see if it makes sense to make future titles available only on the Kindle as well, at least initially.

My latest short satire: "Untolerated Rejection".

Paul has slept with dozens of girls at his high school, but it’s the person he keeps rejecting that gets him in trouble.

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